Monday, December 3, 2012

group 5: victor, vince, jelly

the key word we will be using will be "short-term profit" from the essay "global warming twenty years later: tipping points near." Short-term profit is the money oil companies make from burning oil everyday. oil companies are the ones who hold most of the money in our economy, therefore making the owner of the company really wealthy. these wealthy people are controlling the information we are getting in our everyday lives, but at the same time, the oil companies are the leading companies for the technology we have in our civilization. at this point we would like to raise some objections that have been inspired by the skeptic in us. we

Monday, November 12, 2012

andrea's twit

In my class of ENG 101, i am to introduce a twit form one of my classmates. The twitter of i think this twitter is important because it shows how unjustly the prisoners are treated and how the government acts in times of crisis. Do we really have freedom and rights!?is the question we need to ask ourselves while thinking on this country.

Monday, October 22, 2012

In-class zeitoun

The book "zeitoun" by Dave Eggers talks about Zeitoun and his family, and how they were living before hurricane Katrina and after the hurricane. Eggers concentrates in both Zeitoun and Kathy at the same time, as their main characters, leading into a lot of explanations and many complexes about both Zeitoun's and Kathy's personalities. Although, Eggers concentrates mostly on both Zeitoun and Kathy, i will be talking about Zeitoun's persona. As Eggers talks more about Zeitoun explaining his experiences and complexes we can tell that Zeitoun is a bit lot of a stubborn man. As the hurricane Katrina was closing in to New Orleans Zeitoun didn't believe that Katrina would have really hit the city so he stayed home while his family were fleeing from the city. While Kathy was trapped in a terrific traffic, she decided to call Zeitoun and check what he was doing. Though, Zeitoun had the choice to either stay or leave, he decided to stay and prepare the house and his clients houses as well to be prepare for the storm. During the call Kathy said to Zeitoun to leave while he still had the chance but Zeitoun said instead "you should have stayed... is so nice here" (Zeitoun 57). This conversation enforces Zeitoun's stubborn personality. At the same time, it is enforcing Zeitoun's decision of not leaving his possessions behind. The consequences of staying were catastrophic, as the storm was passing by, leading Zeitoun to many troubles. On the other hand, the hurricane led Zeitoun to save the lives of a few people because the government was taking too long to act. The developments after the hurricane were like a nightmare to many people in the city, specially to those who didn't have the enough resources to leave town.

Monday, October 15, 2012


What I’ve learned about Zeitoun so far is that Zeitoun is a stubborn man and that he really likes to act like a “smart guy” (Eggers 57). The decisions made by Zeitoun are the smartest ones (or so Zeitoun believes) and he really has this weird and complex personality, showing the stubbornness and the good men he is. Kathy had a really sad childhood but at the same time she had people who loved her and supported her, like Yuko and Yuko’s mother Kameko, they were like Kathy’s family (Eggers 59). As hurricane Katrina was approaching their way Kathy decided to get away from the city, while Zeitoun stayed home watching TV (Eggers 59).

Monday, October 1, 2012

to do list

for my revision i have to re-read my draft and firstly write the statement of my main idea developing into the back up info that i already have in my draft, which i have to also remake into something more specific, using the 4 Ws and 1 H into more detail than what i already have. the most challenging thing about this essay is the depths of the detailed info that i am currently talking about and the new info that i have to research about to make the details more understandable which will make the reader to understand what i am trying to say in my essay. what i want to do better at this writing is the development of ideas, research about the topic, specification of ideas, and to be able to present something that is easy to understand. my plan for finishing this essay will be to take in mind what my peers said to me and their comments, but mainly my real thoughts and not the thoughts of what i've read, meaning that i want to use those ideas to create new ones that will or can change the mind set of others, or something less complex, i could say to make my ideas a new basis for new ideas other people can have in the future.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

assignment #2

I am Victor Alonso, a student for LaGuardia Community College and for my second blog of my ENG 101 composition class I am to talk about climate change. To do so, I will explain two essays written in the book “The Global Warming Reader” by Bill McKibben. The essay “The ‘Anthropocene’” by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer talks about how the world has change by the influence of human civilization creating a change in the earth’s lands and also admosphere. The other essay that’s mentioned in the book is “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes which focuses on explaining that climate change is still uncertain and baseless, in other words climate change is not really happening.
            In the essay “The ‘Anthropocene’” by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer the focus is on the modification made by human action, which means that the climate that we are confronting nowadays was made by us and our forefathers because of the land modification, taking down natural air filters, in other words threes and plants, whose jobs is to filter part of the carbon dioxide that’s on the air we breathe throughout their photosynthesis. Therefore, in our present time as more than half of the earth’s land has been modified throughout mankind’s history, we are now facing changes on the earth as a result of what we had done to mother earth. For example, mankind population has increased more than tenfold to 6 billion in the past 3 centuries, making urbanization to increase as well for about tenfold in the past century, increasing cities and decreasing the natural land.
            As for the next essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes which talks about the “nonsense” of climate change, or in other words climate change is not happening, as her reason states that ‘climate science is highly uncertain.’ Though, the intergovernmental panels on climate change (IPCC) created in 1988 says that “the consensus of scientific opinion is that earth’s climate is being affected by human action,” meaning that the urbanization on the earth’s land is changing the earth’s climate to another direction from its original course. Another hot topic is talked in the essay is that greenhouse gases are accumulating in the atmosphere, causing the air temperatures and ocean temperatures to rise; which means that greenhouses are another reason that the temperatures have been rising little by little over the past few years and will keep increasing on the years yet to come.
            In conclusion, it is not whether it is climate change or not the main point, but the way we treat our mother earth. These two essays that I’ve talked about here are just an approach to the issue that our planet is changing and we can’t do much to stop this unwanted change in our climate in general. Though, the issue of saving our planet sounds not too complicated to do it, looking on the reality that we are it is much more complex and difficult that our thoughts, even I thought that saving the earth might be easy and I could make a difference alone but the small difference isn’t enough at all. My point by saying this is that acting alone won’t get us anywhere, but if we act together as one we can make a big difference and a big step on saving ourselves and our planet.

Monday, September 24, 2012

new blog

As i read back my post from the assignment of last week, I've noticed that i have a messy habit of doing things and make a mess out of it, but as i read some of my peer's posts, i now have a clear idea of how i am supposed to make my blog a little less messy and that i need to think more thoroughly about what i really want to talk about and make sure i stick with that specific idea and not add new ones that doesn't even make sense. Although, i did part of the assignment i have to say i did kind of good but mostly bad, but now that I've seem others blogs i can now fix my blog and make it look better for my next blog, by adding more specific information about the topic, names, and new information that the article or reading isn't mentioning about, and engaging with the audience (reader).