Sunday, September 30, 2012

assignment #2

I am Victor Alonso, a student for LaGuardia Community College and for my second blog of my ENG 101 composition class I am to talk about climate change. To do so, I will explain two essays written in the book “The Global Warming Reader” by Bill McKibben. The essay “The ‘Anthropocene’” by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer talks about how the world has change by the influence of human civilization creating a change in the earth’s lands and also admosphere. The other essay that’s mentioned in the book is “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes which focuses on explaining that climate change is still uncertain and baseless, in other words climate change is not really happening.
            In the essay “The ‘Anthropocene’” by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer the focus is on the modification made by human action, which means that the climate that we are confronting nowadays was made by us and our forefathers because of the land modification, taking down natural air filters, in other words threes and plants, whose jobs is to filter part of the carbon dioxide that’s on the air we breathe throughout their photosynthesis. Therefore, in our present time as more than half of the earth’s land has been modified throughout mankind’s history, we are now facing changes on the earth as a result of what we had done to mother earth. For example, mankind population has increased more than tenfold to 6 billion in the past 3 centuries, making urbanization to increase as well for about tenfold in the past century, increasing cities and decreasing the natural land.
            As for the next essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes which talks about the “nonsense” of climate change, or in other words climate change is not happening, as her reason states that ‘climate science is highly uncertain.’ Though, the intergovernmental panels on climate change (IPCC) created in 1988 says that “the consensus of scientific opinion is that earth’s climate is being affected by human action,” meaning that the urbanization on the earth’s land is changing the earth’s climate to another direction from its original course. Another hot topic is talked in the essay is that greenhouse gases are accumulating in the atmosphere, causing the air temperatures and ocean temperatures to rise; which means that greenhouses are another reason that the temperatures have been rising little by little over the past few years and will keep increasing on the years yet to come.
            In conclusion, it is not whether it is climate change or not the main point, but the way we treat our mother earth. These two essays that I’ve talked about here are just an approach to the issue that our planet is changing and we can’t do much to stop this unwanted change in our climate in general. Though, the issue of saving our planet sounds not too complicated to do it, looking on the reality that we are it is much more complex and difficult that our thoughts, even I thought that saving the earth might be easy and I could make a difference alone but the small difference isn’t enough at all. My point by saying this is that acting alone won’t get us anywhere, but if we act together as one we can make a big difference and a big step on saving ourselves and our planet.

Monday, September 24, 2012

new blog

As i read back my post from the assignment of last week, I've noticed that i have a messy habit of doing things and make a mess out of it, but as i read some of my peer's posts, i now have a clear idea of how i am supposed to make my blog a little less messy and that i need to think more thoroughly about what i really want to talk about and make sure i stick with that specific idea and not add new ones that doesn't even make sense. Although, i did part of the assignment i have to say i did kind of good but mostly bad, but now that I've seem others blogs i can now fix my blog and make it look better for my next blog, by adding more specific information about the topic, names, and new information that the article or reading isn't mentioning about, and engaging with the audience (reader).

Monday, September 17, 2012

assignment #1 comment

In the Readers Pick the user name Jon (3rd post) says “But I thought rising, warming sea is just one more lie from evil scientists in an attempt to rip off nice oil company executives from receiving their well-deserved multimillion-dollar annual bonuses.” I could agree but at the same time I also disagree with Jon’s opinion because sure there may be some “bad” people out there just trying to rip off others in order to obtain more money for their own benefits, but at the same time there may be some “good” people as well trying to warn us about what will come in our futures and that we must do something about it to prevent it from happening. Although, this “theory” of knowing who is bad or good is just a way of saying a contradiction of ideas, it is as well, another way of analyzing the problem being at stake which can be the solution for many answers as well as many questions. 

assignment #1

In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The article “New York is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn” by Mineya Navarro from The New York Times is warning us that NYC is not really prepared for climate change, or the topic the article mentions flooding. Although, NYC has been working to prepare for climate change for quite a time already, constructing buildings to use less energy than the old ones; as well as bike lanes to reduce (only if by a little) carbon hydroxide that are over produced by automobiles. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

I've traveled most of South America and the differences on their climates aren't that different, as most of them are tropical countries that have little time of a cold weather. For example, Brazil has a two season "summer" or in other words their summer weather temperature is during spring and summer, meaning that their temperature raises up to 40 - 46 degrees C. (90 - 120 degrees F.), and for their winter, well i would say they don't really have much of winter but when the cold weather hits it gets down to 0 - -6 C. (30 - 20 F.), although for their weather to get like that is pretty much rare (to my knowledge of the times I've been there). Paraguay their neighboring country and my homeland country doesn't really much experiences winter because of the tropical location the winter weather is just a matter of a few days which makes winter season feel like fall, though when it comes to summer and spring weather u could say that's a all year round feeling with sometimes high temperatures and low temperatures not dropping bellow 10 C. (40 F.). Thus, leading to my last experience in The United States which is the last country i have traveled to for now until my next travel to others countries. i would pretty much say that i really hate winter here because it gets so cold and i don't like cold weather (because i've been in tropical countries all my life), but i learn through experiences during my life and i have many bad experiences on the changes that the climates are causing throughout the world and me.
this is a test to understand how this blog works for future use